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Old 08-19-2012, 10:19 AM
erebus erebus is offline
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Default 20' CC -Whats the value?

In my neighborhood there's a 1971 20' CC for sale that I've been keeping an eye on, but the owner is asking what seems to me to be way too much.
The boat has apparently been for sale for several years now, and hasn't been used or really maintained.

I checked her over the other day and would like to maybe make an offer but I don't want to be too insulting. The current asking price is in the ballpark of $6k.

Here's the condition:
Decks are pretty rotten. Soft all around the console almost all the way back to the transom. They've been coated at some point with some kind of roll on nonskid to cover the crazing, and the coating is peeling back because of all the water trapped underneath. You can push the deck up and down with a fingertip.

Console looks OK, definitely 40 years old.
Bow rail, trim, etc would all need to be re-bedded or outright replaced. Screw holes filled and hardware re-fastened.

Transom has some cracking at the motor mounts, and is probably in the same condition as the decks, but cant be sure. I didn't look at the locker lids too closely seemed OK.

Bilges are very dirty and most wiring looks suspect. I'm sure the fuel tank looks similar.

Lots of dings and battle scars on the cap and outer hull. Gelcoat is chalky and has some bad repairs, but doesn't look too awful. Lots of gloppy marine-tex.

Motor is a 1988 Johnson 115, looks it's age. As do the controls, gauges, cables and wiring.

Trailer is in fair condition. Probably also late 80's vintage like the motor.

I work for a local boatyard and can handle pretty much any boat repair task, electrical, mechanical, glasswork etc. So I know I can fix whatever I find. I also will have some downtime this winter.
I just don't want to get into a project boat at too high an initial cost.

What do you guys think would be a reasonable offer?
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Old 08-19-2012, 11:03 AM
NoBones NoBones is offline
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Welcome to CSC erebus..

With out a few pics to view, I would say you are looking at a
total rebuild. Transom, deck, wiring, etc, etc. etc....
With that in mind $1000 TOPS!!!!
The guy is dreaming to say the least!
There was a 20 just recently on here that went for $500
already gutted on a trailer.

Keep us posted!
See ya, Ken ©
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Old 08-19-2012, 11:06 AM
jorgeinmiami jorgeinmiami is offline
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I wish I could get 6k for mine and I just did mine
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Old 08-19-2012, 11:24 AM
erebus erebus is offline
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Thanks for the welcome!
I've been lurking for a few months now, so I already feel like I know all you guys.
I drive by Wildman's Minty Green CC 23 here on the Cape all the time!

I was thinking rebuild as well. New floor and transom mostly, but at least all the parts are there. Console, rails, hatches etc.
And I do have access to a complete boatyard, which helps. :-)

Next time I drive by I'll try and snap some pics.
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Old 08-20-2012, 12:03 AM
deerhunter deerhunter is offline
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i got a 1971 20 ft safari for nothing. a friend gave it too me. all i had too do was fix the power trim. sounds like your future boat needs some serious work. 500 tops.
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Old 08-20-2012, 11:50 AM
ScottM ScottM is offline
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It seems like guys on the Cape think their SC's are worth a lot more than the rest of the world. The boat is maybe worth $500 alone; add a 25 year old motor and trailer and maybe you're at $2K max.
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Old 08-21-2012, 10:19 AM
Wildman Wildman is offline
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Hey man stop by and say hi some time! lol
If this is the boat on 28 in Harwich, its been for sale for a long time, and they wont budge (or they wouldn't in the spring) on the price.

ya gota remember, out here we are on a sandbar (island) and most people dont want to travel off cape for stuff they want, that drives the prices up on most things (trucks, trailers, boats) to prices off-capers wouldn't dream of paying.
Patrick from WAY out on cape cod.
1973 23foot Center console, Birdsall Ttop, Hermco Bracket... in progress
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Old 08-21-2012, 11:48 AM
mrobertson mrobertson is offline
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IMO - If you are looking to do a full resto - 20's are easy enough to find that i wouldn't pay more than probably 2k for one.
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Old 08-21-2012, 07:13 PM
erebus erebus is offline
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Hey Wildman, it is indeed the one in Harwich Port.
I work for Harwich Port Boatyard and drive by this poor thing every day.
Somebody needs to do something with it!
Did you call and talk to somebody about it? Did they sound like they were maybe off their meds?

Anyway here are some pics, even though it might be a lost cause:


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Old 08-22-2012, 08:57 AM
ScottM ScottM is offline
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Originally Posted by Wildman View Post
ya gota remember, out here we are on a sandbar (island) and most people dont want to travel off cape for stuff they want, that drives the prices up on most things (trucks, trailers, boats) to prices off-capers wouldn't dream of paying.
I hear ya, but regardless of the canal and 2 bridges separating you from the rest of the world, SC's in particular seem to carry a premium on-Cape that other things, such as cars, trucks, other brand boats, etc. do not.
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