Forum quirks
Greetings to you all, I recently joined up here to further my knowledge of classic boats, which I love.
I am having a couple of issues with the forums functions and I hope someone can help me out. Firstly, when I open a thread, the posts appear in reverse order. It's a pain if the thread is say 8 pages long as post#1 will appear as the last post on page 8 and I have to scroll up the page to read the subsequent posts. Bizzare! The other thing is the search facility, when I click on it the box to type the request into , the box just disappears before I can type. Hate to introduce myself as a whinger but these matters are driving me nuts! |
You`ll need a decoder ring.
Go to the UserCP, edit options, thread display options and see how it's set up. |
You can change that in the USER CP under EDIT OPTIONS
Thanks for the info. I was having trouble getting used to the reverse order.
Remove prize inside. |
Easy on the newbe Sandy......
Or your decoder ring will shoot your eye out !
See ya, Ken © |
Forum quirks
Greetings to you all. Thanks for your help with this problem, I would have never found the solution without guidance. Also discovered if I select advanced search it works just fine.
Cheers for now. |
I just want to play with him... |