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Old 05-14-2018, 07:48 AM
striper56 striper56 is offline
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Default Yamaha ox66 issues

I have a 2001 Yamaha 250 hp ox66. When I run the motor between 2000 and 2400n rpm the motor will lose rpms and sometimes almost come to a complete stop. This happens while increase or decreasing the rpms. The motor runs great from idle to 2000 rpm and above 2400 rpm to WOT.
So far I have done the following

replaced all fuel filter
replace fuel line from tank to the motor
replaced vsp filter
cleaned o2 sensor
replaced plugs
bypassed the flow scan

Any help would be appreciated.

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Old 05-14-2018, 03:05 PM
bumpdraft bumpdraft is offline
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I used to have a 2001 225 pos66. About every 20 hours, I would have to put a torch to the O2 sensor and it would run better. It would also shudder when getting up on plane and switching to six cylinders. I don't remember at what rpm that was.
I happened to be at my mechanic's place when the factory rep was there and he offered to go on a test ride. He determined that I would benefit from a prop of less pitch (19" to 17") and he swapped it out for me. It helped, but I never did like the way it idled and at slow speed.
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Old 05-14-2018, 07:28 PM
Old'sCool Old'sCool is offline
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Most of time it's fuel related. Although it's usually a little lower rpm range than what you describe, they run on all 6 cyl in neutral, "drop" two when put in fwd, then pick those two back up around 1800 or so. Sounds like you're trying to run close to the switch-over rpm. (Assuming the LP pumps are good and fuel pressure is good)
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Old 05-14-2018, 10:08 PM
erebus erebus is offline
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We have a customer at my boatyard who has a 2003 Pursuit with twin OX66 250's, and when she got launched last month she would not turn up over 2200 reliably.
Sometimes she would run OK up to 4600 RPM's and then fall on her face, other times she just wouldn't get up and go.
Only on one motor, other ran fine.
We did all the usual stuff, checked the fuel pumps (low and hi pressure) cleaned the VST tank, cleaned the O2 sensor, etc. etc.
Nothing helped. Eventually we sent out the injectors for cleaning and that fixed it right up.
Sea trialed her today, and she ran like a champ. Well, until I spun a hub. Doh!
Heres where we send our injectors for cleaning. Super fast and reasonably priced. Located in Bow NH.
FYI-OX66 Injectors are kind of a pain to remove though.

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Old 05-15-2018, 04:35 PM
afterhours afterhours is offline
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I've owned an OX66 250hp for several years now. Sounds like a fuel supply issue. If you haven't replaced your 3 low pressure fuel pumps recently, it is easy to check if they are leaking. You won't know if they are leaking because they are bolted to the manifold and use vacuum and positive pressure from the manifold to operate. The fuel just leaks into the manifold, causing your engine to run rich at idle and starve the engine at higher RPM's. Surging is a classic symptom. The engine will run fine until the vst tank doesn't get enough fuel from the lp pumps. RPM's will rise and fall as the vst tank fills and empties. You may not notice this at higher rpms, except that WOT might be lower than expected.

Simply loosen the two bolts holding each pump to the manifold and squeeze your fuel bulb. Do this with your engine off and cool and check one pump at a time.

If the diaphragm is shot, fuel will dribble from behind the pump. If it leaks replace it, or for that matter, replace all 3 as they are only about $30 each. Don't forget to replace the $3 gasket behind each pumps. You can also rebuild the pumps, but for $30 why bother.
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Old 05-16-2018, 07:15 AM
striper56 striper56 is offline
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Thanks for the replies Olds cool, erebus, and vancouver.
I will check the fuel pressure and LP pumps first. If that doesn't work I will dig into the injectors. I did send out the injectors three years ago, 2 needed to be replaced and the other 4 needed a little cleaning.
I will report back the results. Thanks again.
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Old 05-17-2018, 08:24 AM
striper56 striper56 is offline
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Changed the LP fuel pumps and took it for a hide. Same issue except it is now cutting out SOME of the time when pulling back the throttle from WOT down to 2400. I run it up to say 4000 + RPMS then pull the throttle back 10 times and it will only cut out once or twice. Injectors next?
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Old 05-17-2018, 09:14 AM
fredbrad fredbrad is offline
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check your gas tank for a anti-siphon devices,sometimes are inside of the pickup tube similar to a little wire mesh (like on my case) or little steel ball inside the elbow fuel pickup
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Old 05-18-2018, 10:04 AM
Capt Terry Capt Terry is offline
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Default Anti-siphon Valve

I just replaced a Sierra filter with a Racor filter and vacuum gage on my '76 Seafari with an ETEC 150. On the first run I was at the BRP recommended limit of 4 in Hg. Bushwacker advised to look for an anti-siphon valve and remove it per ETEC ownersgroup recommendations to avoid running too lean & hot. Removed it and partially blocked screen on fuel tank vent. Have not rerun it yet, but fuel bulb is harder.
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Old 05-18-2018, 03:42 PM
afterhours afterhours is offline
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Default OX66 Issues

Hey Striper56,

Just in case you don't have this link:

Section 3 deals with fuel and there are some good write-ups on OX66 EFI engines. On 3-58 and 3-59 there is a discussion on CCS also. The engine only fires on 4 cylinders between 850 RPM and 2000 RPM and 5 cylinders below 850 RPM. There is also a shift cut switch that if actuated (for example by moving the throttle into neutral from WOT) causes the engine to drop two cylinders, no matter what the RPM's are. This is to avoid shock to the drive train.
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