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Old 02-15-2022, 12:03 PM
Locke N Load Locke N Load is offline
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Default Gauge Choices

Hey all. Winter time is my obsess over options time regarding my Seafari rebuild. What I am anxious about is wiring since I have never done it before and am working from scratch. I am reading books and researching and the options for electronics and displays and gauges is on my mind lately.

My original plan was a Simrad Go9 for the MFD and analog gauges from Faria for speed, RPM, fuel and engine status. The more I have looked into it the more I realize I want all the data the Merc 150 4S can provide. I looked into adding one additional Smartcraft gauge to get that data and especially alarms. I also considered getting the data to the Go9. The newest option is ditching the analog gauges and adding another screen, a VesselView, that will have the RPM and speed I will always want to see as well as all the other data points to be monitored like engine temp, oil pressure, etc.

I have a few major considerations. First is having all the most important information I need easily viewable and then the additional data accessible. Second is ease of installation so I don't screw it up and end up banging my head off a gunnel. Third is cost.

From what I have been able to figure out there are different backbones and connections needed to get info from the motor to the helm. Some are plug and play and others are not.

What are people's thoughts when it come to the helm on a Seafari 20? I have a large blank slate to work with right now since it is all custom. There is plenty of room for the Go9 and another screen or analog gauges and a digital gauge. Is it simpler and more cost effective to go with my original plan of analog gauges and add a Smartcraft monitor for the alarms and additional data? Should I add the NMEA 2000 backbone to get motor data to the Go9? If I would go through all that would it make more sense to just add a Vesselview 502 instead for gauges and data? I assume I will still need some sort of backbone and connectors to get both screens and motor to work together. Would it be silly to have no analog gauges on a 1971 boat or is that all personal preference and do what I like?

Please feel free to note any benefits or disadvantages I have not thought of. Thanks all.
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Old 02-15-2022, 01:06 PM
Xcomunic8d Xcomunic8d is offline
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I wish I could have have gone digital. My boat is working off analog sending units (I installed those on the engine). I suppose you could do a Noland engineering rs11 that’s a nmea gateway converter. But it’s too pricey and then I have to buy head unit.

I have Faria black Chesapeake. Guy on phone (Jason?) said white was top seller, black 2nd best seller. Family thought black would look better on teak.

I like the look of vesselview. No experience installing it but my dealer said it’s plug and play. consider add a sunshade to it. It can be rough here on ocean to read digital readout’s particularly with polarized sunglasses.
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Old 02-15-2022, 02:04 PM
KenB KenB is offline
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Ok, great topic. I just got my merc 150 hung and plan to NMEA2000 it to a simrad Go12 with radar. I wanted a single idiot proof gauge that shows the engine alert codes. So for my 150 (a few years old) that was the lvl2 smartcraft single gauge, plus the merc-branded gas filter that has the 'water' alarm that ties into the merc harness. It was pointed out to me that I could also have the gas tank senders integrated into the smartcraft, but that would require a new harness.

I haven't tried to wire anything up yet, so I look forward to whatever recommendations and advice your thread garners! I'm going to go poke around the Boston show this weekend, and ask out how hard it will be to connect the Go12 to the merc engine data.

In general, I like that analogue gauges do not need firmware updates, and the fewer things that depend on each other for when the shit hits the fan, the better. I don't get why everyone is so excited to have their engine depend on digital gauges/controls in the most caustic, corrosive environment on earth. Nevermind that toyota suddenly decided that 'keyfob automatic start' is now an annual $80 charge, and whatever toxicity John Deere charges its guys, now that everyone depends on firmware updates. In other words, it seems clear that once the corporate guys figure out how to charge SAAS fees, they will. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
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Old 02-15-2022, 05:33 PM
Locke N Load Locke N Load is offline
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Originally Posted by Xcomunic8d View Post
I wish I could have have gone digital. My boat is working off analog sending units (I installed those on the engine). I suppose you could do a Noland engineering rs11 that’s a nmea gateway converter. But it’s too pricey and then I have to buy head unit.

I have Faria black Chesapeake. Guy on phone (Jason?) said white was top seller, black 2nd best seller. Family thought black would look better on teak.

I like the look of vesselview. No experience installing it but my dealer said it’s plug and play. consider add a sunshade to it. It can be rough here on ocean to read digital readout’s particularly with polarized sunglasses.
I made my dash at an angle hoping to avoid glare. If it still an issue I could tinit the windshield. I may do that anyway. Looks cool in my opinion.
Originally Posted by KenB View Post
Ok, great topic. I just got my merc 150 hung and plan to NMEA2000 it to a simrad Go12 with radar. I wanted a single idiot proof gauge that shows the engine alert codes. So for my 150 (a few years old) that was the lvl2 smartcraft single gauge, plus the merc-branded gas filter that has the 'water' alarm that ties into the merc harness. It was pointed out to me that I could also have the gas tank senders integrated into the smartcraft, but that would require a new harness.

I haven't tried to wire anything up yet, so I look forward to whatever recommendations and advice your thread garners! I'm going to go poke around the Boston show this weekend, and ask out how hard it will be to connect the Go12 to the merc engine data.

In general, I like that analogue gauges do not need firmware updates, and the fewer things that depend on each other for when the shit hits the fan, the better. I don't get why everyone is so excited to have their engine depend on digital gauges/controls in the most caustic, corrosive environment on earth. Nevermind that toyota suddenly decided that 'keyfob automatic start' is now an annual $80 charge, and whatever toxicity John Deere charges its guys, now that everyone depends on firmware updates. In other words, it seems clear that once the corporate guys figure out how to charge SAAS fees, they will. Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
I am a proponent of KISS. Analog gauges would work. Part of the reason I wanted a project boat and have gone down to the stringers is to replace everything with new and know the boat inside and out. Plus no one to blame but myself if something goes wrong. Hopefully either choice will be just as dependable. All the warning signals are electronic anyway. I thought about the boat show in Boston too, but it looks very stripped down so I decided not worth the hassle.
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Old 02-15-2022, 06:20 PM
bmajvi bmajvi is offline
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I have a 150 Merc too, I just put Vessel View Mobile on my phone, and put a phone mount next to the Simrad Cruise 7 on our 23' Sceptre. The top left gauge is a dual USB port, with voltmeter in the cap. The one below it is an analog fuel gauge (cover is on in the pic). Vessel View Mobile is real simple, you can customize the display to show the stuff you want. Works for us.
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1977 23' Sceptre
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Old 02-16-2022, 12:22 AM
77SceptreOB 77SceptreOB is offline
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Here is a pic off my Merc Vessel view 402 and Garmin 12" MFD (1243). The two work very well together.
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1977 SeaCraft 23' Sceptre W/ Alum Tower & Yamaha 225
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Old 02-16-2022, 10:20 AM
Locke N Load Locke N Load is offline
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I considered the phone thing, but want something permanent on the dash. Cool technology though.

The two screens together does look good. Simple and has everything you would need. Hmmm...
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