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Old 09-06-2016, 09:17 PM
Capt.Nate Capt.Nate is offline
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Can't wait to hear how it works. I mispoke on the one I ordered, its actually a Delta style anchor. Ill probably just roll with it for a while but change later depending on how much you end up liking your Mantus. They look awesome! Good luck!
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Old 09-07-2016, 07:19 AM
Eric B Eric B is offline
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Hey Don,

Their website rate my boat loaded up for the 25lb as a working anchor. They changed it to the 16lb when I said lunch anchor. I would rather be safer than sorry.
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Old 09-07-2016, 07:27 AM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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About four years ago, Practical Sailor tested a bunch of anchors of hold strength, resetting ability, versatility, etcetera. The one they chose as best for all-around use, based upon penetration and holding endurance in various bottom types was an English-made anchor called the Spade (which is now also made in the USA). It also came in 3rd in resetting ability.
It's kind of a chisel-point plow-type anchor. I bought two of the S-40 galvanized models.
See the anchors here:
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

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Old 09-07-2016, 08:07 AM
kmoose kmoose is offline
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Just an observation, as most of you know I dive for most of my fish and have recovered hundreds of anchors. The common denominator in what I find is that the plow, claw, delta type anchors seem to wedge themselves in the cracky limestone bottom here in the GOM. I find them all the time with ample rode and some with release options that failed to work.

How people anchor may have a great deal to do with why they have such bad luck. If you drop your anchor right on the high relief any anchor is likely to get stuck. That said, the issue may be that they attempt to anchor properly in the sand up current from the relief and it drags into the reef before it holds. For me and my commercial friends, we use Danforth style Guardians or Fortress with ample stainless rode. These seem to do a good job hooking in the sand and holding the boat over where the fish are. While there may be better deltas out there, I have never been impressed with them holding where I need them to hold and not sliding into the reef.
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Old 09-07-2016, 10:13 PM
DonV DonV is offline
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I was sent a suggestion to check out "fishbras" on Instagram, as luck would have it there is a very nice picture of a Hurricane anchor. Looks like it is in good hands and should hold as advertised.
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Old 09-07-2016, 11:09 PM
Terry England Terry England is offline
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Originally Posted by kmoose View Post
Just an observation, as most of you know I dive for most of my fish and have recovered hundreds of anchors.........
ANCHOR, ANCHOR, What you talkin' about Kenny? You ain't even got no anchor or a jug either. Least I ain't never seen one used when I was out on the C-130 Specter Gunship. Yur just study'in that bottom machine like some Doctor doing open heart surgery and then you say "Jump in right here". When I axe ya "Are you gonna throw a bouy, cause I need to know which way to swim?" You say, "Naw, it's right here; just swim away from yur bubbles". I'm old, so I'm think'in what if my Rheumatism kicks in, or a Planers Wart crops up, or I start cough'in like Hillary, then what? I don't have no string to come home on. It's conforming to know Mel's in the boat and she does know what's going on and she makes really good sandwiches too! So you chim'in in on anchors is like me chim'in on on Merc's - I never liked the Green ones, the White ones or the Black ones. I never had a Red one 'cause that was before my time. I'm old but not that old!
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