Yeah I am waiting to make sure he can provide paperwork to title.
The hull sides under the gunnel cap seem to vibrate a good bit and might be a bit thin. I think tightening the cap down and reninstalling a rub rail will tighten things up but I’d also add some structural improvements at deck to gunnel joint. |
Does it still have HIN still stamped into gelcoat? Original transom or replaced from inside? Are you in NC or South?
I recently used Soft Scrub with bleach on a really dirty boat. It was unbelievable how clean it was after. It is an abrasive, so not to be used regularly, but when trying to clean up a boat that dirty, I bet it would work wonders. You'll want to buff it afterwards, but you would probably want to do that anyway. Nice find. Good luck!
1971 Potter built center console. |